In cooperation with Mr. X’s Science Class

20XX STEAMxLIT Theme: Sustainable Survival

In cooperation with Mr. X’s Science Class

Goals and Assessments

  • Over the course of four weeks students will interact with Gary Paulsen’s Hatchet as they examine Brian’s survival methods.

    In cooperation with Mr. X’s Science Class, they will determine Brian’s long term impact on the Northwoods in Canada.

    Students will be tasked with devising their own survival plan that has as minimal environmental impact as possible.

    Each group will present their plan to the class to be evaluated and critiqued.

  • Based upon the IB MYP Science curriculum, students will be able to develop scientific knowledge concerning sustainable survival practices, design a sustainable survival plan, evaluate plans of other groups as well as their own plans, and finally reflect on their work to look for any lasting impacts on their scientific endeavors.

    Based upon the IB MYP Language and Literature curriculum, students will be able to analyze the text of Hatchet and understand Brian’s motivations as a character, organize their ideas concerning both sustainable survival and characterization in a narrative context, and finally be able to produce and present a report based on their own findings within the text.

  • Students will fill out an evaluation form (handed out in class on day of presentations) for each group. Included on this form are:

    • Think of at least four possible test questions based upon this presentation.

    • List at least one major strength and one major weakness of the survival plan presented.

    • Briefly summarize the group’s characterization study of Brian Robeson.

    • Reflect on this group’s plan. Could you carry it out if you were in Brian’s situation?



Week 1

Due: Saturday @ 10pm
Method: Individual

After reading Gary Paulsen’s Hatchet, do a characterization study and comparison between Brian and The Wilderness. You may choose whatever aspects of characterization to compare that you wish. Remember the 5 W’s! (Who, What, Where, When, Why)

One Page, single spaced. Typed. 12 pt font. Times New Roman. Name and class at top.

Week 2

Due Friday @ End of Class
Method: Group

Using data from last week’s assignment in Mr. X’s Science class, list every survival method that Brian uses. Be sure to list chapter and page numbers for reference. Give each method a “Sustainability Score” (refer your work in science class again). All group members must contribute to the work.

Typed 12 point font. Times New Roman. Group members’ names and classes at top. Only one assignment turned in per group.

Week 3

Due Saturday @ 10pm
Method: Group

In your groups, devise a plan of survival that has a high “Sustainability Score”. Imagine that you are in a similar survival situation as Brian in Hatchet. The plan needs to be thorough and account for both survivability and sustainability. Use both the novel and the “Survival and Sustainability” document from Mr. X’s class as inspiration. All group members must contribute to the work.

How you choose to compile the finished product is up to you. Make sure that the plan is both easily understood and shareable (some kind of electronic format). Audio/Video is not permitted. Assignment must be written down.

Week 4

Presentations Next Week in Class
Method: Group

This week, you will conglomerate all that you have done so far into a single presentation. You may use what ever presentation style or software you like. Get creative! Video and audio are highly encouraged. Make sure to use some kind of visual aid. Finally, keep your presentation to under 10 minutes. The following elements must be present in order to pass the assignment:

  • A summary of all group member’s characterization work of Brian and the Wilderness. What did you all find was similar between you and what was different?

  • Your group’s determination of Brian’s “Sustainability Score” and an accompanying explanation of said score.

  • An outline of your group’s Survival plan which addresses challenges that the plan hopes to overcome.

  • Any additional information that your group deems necessary.

 Let me know if you have any questions!

  • Mr. Kenneth See (MYP ELAR)


    Office Hours: 2pm-4pm M-F

  • IBO Assessment:

    IBO Science Brief:

    IBO Language and Literature Brief: